
通过实施新战略计划bob体育登录区域农业政策研究所网bob体育登录RNAPRI正在非洲建立影响性政策研究bob体育登录Feed未来创新实验室粮食安全政策研究、能力与影响bob体育登录ARPRI由南部非洲、东非和西非加纳十大非洲农业政策研究中心组成,在整个大洲协作政策研究、外联和能力建设ReNAPRI高级程序协调Nalichebo Meebelo于2019年12月在PRCI金融支持下受雇,第二,我们想扩展RENAPRI作为该大陆政策影响代理的可见度。第三,我们需要能够评价RENAPRI工作的影响组织起来实现这些目标和雄心的最佳方式是通过战略规划实现。”

2020年3月初 Meebelo前往马拉维开始与Dr.John Medendorp主管BOB体育密歇根州立大学博劳格高级农业研发程序与机构能力发展专家Cait Goddard一起开始开发战略计划。 Medendorp和Goddard领导PRCI加强机构能力的努力,Medendorp和Medendorp指出, “ 我们像Renapri自身一样认识到Renapri网络的巨大潜力,以及它对非洲意味着什么,如果Renapri能成为粮食安全和农业政策的先导声音 ” 。

Meebelo和ReNAPRI与PCI Medendorp和Gorddard合作采用混合战略规划过程,包括联机和离线活动a hybrid approach would allow the planning process to be completed safely during the global COVID-19 pandemic.  ReNAPRI used Zoom teleconferencing software to conduct the virtual meetings and used the program Smartsheet to assist with project management.  Meebelo credits Medendorp and Goddard with helping ReNAPRI undertake a comprehensive self-assessment and develop a framework and implementation roadmap for the strategic plan and for training her on how to use the necessary technologies to make the planning process possible.  Goddard notes that, "Not only has ReNAPRI developed the capacity to create a strategic planning process, they've also learned how to work in an entirely virtual environment.  In some respects, they are leading the continent in this kind of work."

bob体育登录Among the plan's highlights are five pillars or intervention areas including project management, knowledge management, public relations and outreach, process management, and strategic partnerships and resources management.  Meebelo says, "Every step of the way we ask ourselves, how do our actions reflect these intervention areas." In addition to the five pillars, the strategic plan defines ReNAPRI's five-year objectives and includes an action plan for 2021.  According to Meebelo, "In year one, the action plan and objectives have been instrumental in navigating our administrative and hiring needs, and ultimately developing the research and management capacity we need to achieve our policy goals."


ReNAPRI has also begun taking on leadership roles, including through its selection by the African Union Commission to lead the next African Fertilizer Summit in collaboration with the Alliance for African Partnerships (AAP) at MSU and the International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC).  Most recently, ReNAPRI played a pivotal analytical and writing role in AGRA's 2021 Africa Agricultural Status Report.  Additionally, ReNAPRI, together with IFPRI, co- Chairs the Task Force on Food Security and Nutrition Data and Hunger Hotspots in Africa during the COVID -19 pandemic and serves as a member of the Steering Committee under the Regional Food Trade Coalition hosted by AGRA.


bob体育登录未来数月里,RENAPRI计划继续通过PICA进程让单个政策研究中心参与自身能力发展工作。 此外,RENAPRI正期望提高外联和通信能力以进一步加强网络与决策者、捐助方、利益攸关方和私营企业的接触

Medendorp认为, “ 最令人高兴的部分是RENAPRI方面对进程日益增强的主人翁感 。 RENAPRI的力量过去和将来都由成员中心主动提出 。此外,我们也看到中心的有效协作和领导权 。 这将为网络和成员带来丰收 。 ”

观察RNAPRI自最后确定计划以来取得的杰出进展和快速增长的大陆特征David Tschirley表示 : “ 整个过程显示通过真正的伙伴关系提供战略支持时能够实现什么。当地组织可以精练并追求其影响愿景。看到这一进程展开我非常高兴,我对未来极感乐观,因为RENAPRI及其中心继续围绕自身开发的愿景建设自身能力,了解他们国家和整个非洲在食品营养政策领域的需求。”
