







  • 博士学位bob体育下载ios1985年密歇根大学自然资源管理
  • M.S.1974年弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学渔业科学
  • B.S.1972年宾夕法尼亚州立大学动物学

后台 :


bob体育登录From 1977 to 1993, I worked as a Fisheries Research Biologist with Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Institute for Fisheries Research (IFR) in Ann Arbor.   I was fortunate to work on a broad range of fisheries stock assessment projects that covered almost all of the recreationally and commercially important fishes in Michigan.   I assessed fisheries and developed decision analysis tools for:  brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, and smallmouth bass in streams;  lake trout, whitefish, Pacific salmon, walleye,  yellow perch, and channel catfish in the Great Lakes;  and walleye, northern pike, muskellunge, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, bluegill, yellow perch, brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout in Inland lakes.

bob体育登录From 1993 to 2000, I served as Director of Fisheries Research and Evaluation Section for Fisheries Division, MDNR.   I provided leadership in planning and implementing the Division's Fisheries Research Program and directed activities of six research stations across the State.   In addition, I was a member of Fisheries Division Management Team where I participated in making major decisions on Division programs and management and served as Acting Division Chief when Chief was absent.   I guided the editorial process for Fisheries Division Research and Technical Reports and approved final versions of reports for publication.  I managed Fisheries Division-university partnerships (including PERM at MSU) and administered Fisheries Division's research grants to State universities.

从2000年到2002年,我曾任MDR渔业局部落事务主管;我是密歇根州联邦法院案例谈判组成员,案件涉及州和部落渔民间分配大湖鱼类种群;我的主要作用是帮助开发州在该案例位置的科学基础;我设计并运行湖鳟鱼群计算机模型,预测替代资源分配计划、捕鱼努力、捕鱼法和渔具类型的结果;我帮助向律师、决策者和用户群解释生物问题bob体育登录I coauthored portions of the final agreement (2000 Great Lakes Consent Decree).   Later, I was responsible for guiding Fisheries Division's implementation of the 2000 Great Lakes Consent Decree, overseeing the newly created Tribal Fisheries Coordination Unit, and developing and coordinating research projects to support implementation.  I was also responsible for preparing Fisheries Division for the next phase of the case regarding treaty fishing rights in inland waters.  This included developing position papers, biological data and survey protocols, fisheries computer models, and management and enforcement protocols.  During the preparatory phase of this case, I designed and helped to implement a statewide stock assessment program for large, inland lakes in Michigan and led the redesign of MDNR's statewide catch and harvest survey, which basically expanded the ongoing Great Lakes survey to include important inland waters.  I retired from MDNR in 2002.


沿途我与美国渔业协会和大湖渔业委员会(GLFC)合作。 与AFS合作,我曾任1987-89年北美渔业管理杂志副编辑兼密歇根分会主席1994年。 与GLFC合作,我与密歇根湖和技术委员会合作处理许多问题,包括联合编写密歇根湖鱼群目标1995年并担任密歇根湖SalmonineString工作组主席1997-98年

从2009到2011年,我完全退出渔业工作,但忙于管理平托马场。 2011年6月,我返回QFC量化渔业项目工作




Maguffee A.C.R.赖利R.D.小ClarkM.L.琼斯2018年研究otoith化学潜力 确定野生动物源密歇根湖Chinook鲑鱼加拿大渔业水产科学杂志

Clark,RD小伦斯、J.R.、Claramunt、R.M.、Clevenger、J.A.Kornis、M.S.Bronte、C.R.、Madenjian、C.P.和E.F.2017年希努克沙门湖变化 休伦湖和密歇根湖北美渔业管理杂志37(6):1311-1331

Clark R.. 小DJ.R.宾塞市M.克拉蒙特E.强生市高德市公元前勒格勒R.Robillard和B公元前狄金森2016年空间清晰评估ChinookSalmonResume-R公元前小Clark密歇根湖和休隆4渔场从1986年至2011年北美渔业管理杂志 36:1068-1083

madenjianCPD.b.宾奈尔市M.华纳市A.Pothoven GL.法亨斯蒂尔F.纳莱帕市A.范德普路格采叶市M.克拉蒙特R.公元前小Clark2015年密歇根湖食物网变化bob体育登录大湖研究杂志413:217-213

Clark R.. 小D和B黄黄市1985年游钓、商业捕鱼和密歇根湖湖鳟恢复冲突北美渔业管理杂志5:261-276获1985年最佳论文奖

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