





kraig & jenn2
















:记得不能用现在我们在电梯里说,这是整个面试是怎么来的。我们在说,你提到你拥有马,我说,“哦,没有办法。”You said, "Yeah way." Then you also mentioned some things that I think are important for people to hear and to know.

飞利浦:我14岁时被诊断出患有囊性纤维化,但我13岁时我开始出现问题。我将CF是什么。基本上我和让我的呼吸有问题,让我的能量。我是一个跑步者在我的中学,我只是没有能源了。我妈妈带我去看医生。医生说,“哦,这只是成长的烦恼。她日益增长的。这不是一个大问题。”Granted, I was four foot eight and 88 pounds my freshman year in high school, so I wasn't really growing at all. They just brushed it off, said there was nothing wrong with me. Went to the doctor approximately six months later, still complaining of the same things, fatigue. My stomach hurt all the time. I wasn't keeping food down. Lots of issues going on. That was when they realized that I had cirrhosis of the liver at 14 years old. They didn't know why I had cirrhosis. They said, "If you'd been drinking, we'd just tell you to stop drinking." At 13, 14 years old, I'm not drinking. They put me on the emergency transplant list and said they had to figure out what was going on. From there, we had some more blood tests. They sent me to University of Michigan Hospital, and immediately walked into the clinic and they were like, "You have cystic fibrosis. There's no question." Like I said, I was four foot eight, 88 pounds. I ate like a horse. I had two older brothers, plus an older stepbrother, and I ate more than they did. Growing teenage boys, a tiny little girl eating more than they did and not gaining any weight, was kind of a sign that there was something wrong. Not gaining any weight, there was lung issues that we didn't realize were that bad. I ran, I sang, I played in a band for a very little bit of time. There was never any issues with my breathing until it got later on. That's when they discovered that I had cystic fibrosis. CF is a lung disease, which basically the mucous in your body is too thick, and you can't get rid of it. Normal people cough, the things that they cough come out. Cystic fibrosis related people, the mucous gets stuck in our lungs, and we have to have treatments that actually break it up and remove it for us. The other flip side of the coin is that we often have issues digesting our food, which is why I was so little for so long. They give me pills that make my food break down. It's got animal enzymes in it, so it does it for me. Then I started gaining weight and I grew about eight inches over six months or so. It was amazing the difference that it really made so quickly.

:记得不能用1995年,15岁时,你被诊断为alpha - 1抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症”,或者alpha -。遗传,通过基因由父母传给孩子,这可能会导致一个严重的肺部疾病和/或肝脏疾病。alpha -对你意味着什么?

飞利浦:真的我诊断的时候,我不知道它是什么意思。直到今天,我仍然不是非常确定有多少CF,多少是alpha - 1抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症”。然而,现在,我已经接受了肝脏移植,我们知道,医生看了看后,他们说,“这是一个alpha -肝。”They knew exactly what it was. Basically the alpha-1 causes liver issues, and I can't honestly tell you how. The lung issues are developed because there's a sticky mucous in your lungs that I am missing. If I were to have a collapsed lung, not only with the CF, but also with the antitrypsin deficiency, I probably wouldn't make it. It's just the fact that my lung would probably never reinflate.

:记得不能用通过所有这一切你参加全国FFA Ag)销售竞争,接受国家银作为一个团队,个别国家银电话技巧。我相信你的人可能想知道为什么你在电话里这么多,,,你好,我是练习。全国FFA谈谈。全国FFA基本上是一个领导的组织。他们放弃了未来美国的农民,我想说那是1989年,但不要引用我这句话。这只是一个地方,你学习如何成为一个领袖在很多方面。我参加了新手的会议,在那里我学会了议会程序,如何运行一个会议,之类的。一年我做了一个演示项目,最终是可怕的,但是我试了,我是了解地下水,挺有趣的。它不是很好,但我知道,这很好。然后全国Ag)技能竞赛基本上是您确定什么产品是你想学来卖。 My first year we did Plevaline, which was a meat product with cherries in it. Not a lot of people know what it is. The year we went to nationals with it we used caramel apples, we sold caramel apples. There's four parts to the sales competition. There's a group piece where you actually go in and do a sale to a random stranger. They do a marketing piece. They do a display piece where it's like, how would you set up a display in a Meijer, or whatever place you wanted to sell the product? Then my piece was doing skills, phone skills. Basically I made a fake phone call to a fake person and sold them my product, and answered questions about my product. You can see how my phone skill is related to what I do now, because I was on the phone for that. At my job now, I'm on the phone 80% of my day, trying to help people walk through things, how to do that kind of stuff. It really did work in my favor to do something that really is what I'm doing now.


飞利浦:是的。只是有太多。我在女生联谊会,σα。这是密歇根州立大学的ag)妇女联谊会。BOB体育它只是有点势不可挡。我不能跟上一切。我有次在医院住的时间比我原计划。很多肝脏相关的大部分。肺癌相关的不多。我有支气管炎之类的东西,但是不是任何人都不正常。 Just took a little too much out of me. I could have gone back, it just wasn't something that I ever needed to do at the time, so I haven't. I spent three years at Michigan State. It was a good time. I learned a lot. I had amazing professors, and people that I serve now. Kirk Heinze was one of my professors. There's all these people that now I see as an employee and a staff person, and I'm supporting those people that really raised me. It's really kind of interesting and it's definitely a coming home.


飞利浦:你有SAE在FFA,这是一个监督农业经验。你将对这个经历投入很多时间,无论你选择做。我养过鸡了几年。我有只羊多年。我给羊,我提高了他们对肉类,所以他们在今年年底。然后我也在农场和舰队从质量,天啊,我想说我的大学二年级通过我的第一年的高中,我相信。你所有的时间计数对SAE。比例我不知道,所以我不能告诉你,但实际上它的一小部分人达到美国FFA学位。你的章学位。你地区的程度。 You get a state degree. Then you go on to get your national degree. I want to say it's only the top 1% that actually earn their degree that way. There were five of us from my school that got it the same year, so that was pretty impressive.


飞利浦:我只是,在我上大学的时候我在一家平面设计公司工作,并且意识到我不是不擅长使用电脑。他们对我是有意义的。他们非常合乎逻辑,非常计算。我意识到,我很擅长这个,然后我得到了,我需要找一份工作,不是工作在珠宝柜台在商场了。我丈夫在一家物业管理公司工作,告诉我,“嘿,这个地方。他们雇佣一个人来教基本的计算机课程。”By basic, I mean how to turn it on, how to use the mouse. Those very easy things. I had one woman who called the mouse the moose, and it was the best thing ever. Like that's the kind of person that I helped. These were all low income properties, low income students that I taught. Basically the goal was to make these people have a usable skill to take to the workforce, and hopefully get out of whatever situation they were in, to better themselves. A lot of these people had kids that they couldn't even help because they didn't know how to use a computer. Every school program now uses computers. These were Head Start people, parents, grandparents, that sort of thing. At the end of the course, they got a free desktop computer. They got six months of free internet access from ACD.net. It was a great thing for them. I think the courses were 10 bucks per course, and it was four courses total.


飞利浦:绝对的。这是很好。我对自己感觉很好,我真的得到很多人回来了,就像,“你真的不同。我帮助我的孩子。”Or, "I just did a resume." We also had extended learning courses that they could come back and take to improve their skills. We did have a resume writing course at one point. We did typing skills. There are a lot of different things that we did to really try to help, and it was just an amazing thing that the owner of Edgewood Village developed this. He said, "I want to do this." That's what we did. His name was John [Dooley 00:13:00]. He was very involved in the community, is very involved in the community. He's recently stepped down from his work at Edgewood Village. He's an amazing man.


飞利浦:实际上在一个课程我不得不离开。我所谓的食管静脉曲张。基本上血打不通我的肝脏的正确方法,所以它试图找到一个新的通道回到我的心。它在我的喉咙,穿过我的血管,它是太多的血压,实际上我喉咙的静脉破裂。我教一个类,不得不去医院。我离开了。我的老板也在那里,她说,“我需要一辆救护车吗?”I said, "No, I'll be fine." I went to the hospital, and by the time everything was said and done, they were surprised I had been able to drive myself, and that I wasn't asleep at that point. I was in a very bad position, and we had no idea that that had been something that we should have been expecting. My doctor had not told me that this is a thing that might happen, and it happened multiple times over a course of a couple of years. Every time they'd go in, and it's called banding, they basically put a rubber band and stop the bleeding. I had to have multiple blood transfusions and things like that.


飞利浦:是的。它真的成为终结的开始。2月份我开始我的新工作,6月我休假了,因为我再也不能工作。我问题太多氨在我的大脑,我无法完成日常任务。我必须有一个保姆和我。我忘了喂我的狗。它是我的大脑不记得我在做什么。非常类似于老年性、事情等。我很好一分钟,第二我不是。就像我说的,我离开工作6月因为我不能把我的东西放在一起了。 I was put on the liver transplant list on June 19th, which happened to be my wedding anniversary. By July 29th I had received my liver. There was a two week period in between where I had developed an issue, my kidneys were starting to shut down due to a medication. Every problem that you have along the way, they have to take you off the transplant list. If you get an infection, if you get sick, if something else happens, they actually put you on hold, and then reapply you once you have actually gotten over the issues. I was on an IV medication, it was causing my kidneys to shut down. I was on hold for two weeks. When I came back and I was listed healthy enough, I was out of the hospital for a day and a half, and they called and said, "You need to come." I was in the hospital by midnight, and had my transplant around 10:00 AM. I was in the hospital for 10 days, which was super quick. They were really excited about the recovery I had made.






飞利浦:是的。我们给她买了一个超级便宜的价格从我们现在知道这个人就是种马经销商。她告诉我们这个故事关于我的马,她的名字叫伊西斯,她被孩子骑在4 h,胡说,之类的。超级可爱的母马。很好的在地面上,这意味着她的礼仪,当她是你,她是超级可爱的,很好,不爱出风头。不咬人。不踢。只是一个非常好的马。他们说,“噢,是的,她完全被骑。巴拉,巴拉。” I got on her and she didn't try to buck me off, by any means, but you could tell she was not happy. She bobs her head around, she's very uncomfortable. Not sweet anymore when you're on her back. I sent her to a trainer, thinking, okay, maybe I'm not the rider that she needs. We sent her to a trainer, and the trainer called me one day and said, "I want you to come visit us. I need to talk to you about your mare." I go up there, and he says, "I think that she has one of two issues. Her ovaries are too close to her back, and you're actually riding on her ovaries when you're sitting on her. Or she has some issues with her spine." She is the sweetest horse for giving pony rides. I have 20 nieces and nephews, and she has given pony rides to just about any of them. She's ridden triple kids. She has kids running around her screaming. We have two dogs that run around her barking. She's a doll, but at the moment that you get on, if anybody weighs more than about 110 pounds, she gets antsy, she tenses up, and she's just super uncomfortable. She has become the pasture buddy, and my other dog that lives out in the pasture instead of in my house, much to the dismay of my husband. I keep trying to get her in the house, but I don't think he's going to fall for that.




飞利浦:你能及时找到我们的联系方式517-355-3776,或者你可以给我们发电子邮件:support@anr.msu.edu。大学的那些,MSU Ag)和自然资源。bob体育下载ios如果你需要达到MSU, Ithelp@msu.edu,或他们的电话号码是517-432-6200。


飞利浦:总有有趣的故事,但通常这是每个人都讨厌我们要求人们重新启动,但这是通常的一个作品。它只是发生在工作。我们已经有人打电话给我们,她不想重启而闻名,她说她的电脑键盘是滞后的。我们说,“真的吗?你是什么时候最后一次重启吗?”She said, "But I don't want to!" She did anyway, and she called back, and she's like, "Yeah, it works. Thanks." There's always good things, but I won't go into too much detail, because if I talk about the really good ones, then they'll know that I'm talking about them.


飞利浦:是的。他是一个高15.3手黑色田纳西州沃克。他是我第一田纳西州。如果你知道很多关于马,季马、纯种动物,他们有一定的步态。有四个步态、行走、小跑、慢跑和疾驰。田纳西州步行者有多个步态。他们以非常光滑的游乐设施。还有其他马相对自由,这就是乌鸦,田纳西州的步行者,他们被称为某种步态的马。我想,嘿,让这对我和一匹马,不是要杀了我,或者其他情况而定。是的,他是超级光滑。 He's amazing. He's my big, tall, dark and handsome boy. He's a little skittish, but I still love him and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He and my mare are a great group together. They're best buds, and they love each other, and I'm happy as a clam. I've got my two horses, my two dogs. I just got a guinea pig for Christmas, because I'm the only 35 year old woman who would ask for a guinea pig for Christmas. Then I have a kitty that I just adopted as well. I have so many fur children, and we're very happy with that.




飞利浦:我微笑。我真的喜欢帮助别人。我甚至不太多的技术。就像我没有书呆子的吸引力。我不是那种人。我不玩视频游戏。我甚至不使用电脑在家里。我的丈夫。我不玩flash游戏在Facebook上。我并不是那种人。计算机块逻辑,它对我有意义,但它真的帮助人民和人民说话。 I'm super introverted in my every day life, but as far as professionally, I'm definitely out there and I just like people. I like talking to people, and I like the sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I will say that I super enjoy when you call me about a problem that I have no idea how to fix, and I figure out how to fix it. I like Sherlock Holmes-ing, if you will, what is the problem? How do I fix it?


飞利浦:实际上,这只是一个选择。这是一个真正的选择。如果我放弃了,如果我说,“我不想这么做了。”I could probably be on disability. Liver transplant is something that you can easily get disability for. Many people with liver transplants never go back to work because you have issues with fatigue. You have to make the choice every day, do I want to be that person that complains all the time? Do I want to be the person that nobody wants to be around because all I do is whine and complain? I have my family. I mean, I have a big family. I have 20 nieces and nephews. I married a man that has three other brothers, and I am one of five children. My family all lives pretty close. We've got three siblings that are a little bit further away, but everyone else is about 15 minutes away from each other. I have an amazing support system. If I need something, family is there for me. I have really good, close friends. I don't have many friends, but I have super good, close friends. You keep putting a smile on your face and going forward because the alternate is not good, and it puts you alone. That's not what anybody wants.


飞利浦:再次,使有意识的决定感到高兴。决定继续前进。知道,如果你不有其他的人不仅仅是你受此影响。真的是一个家庭的决定继续。如果我没有我的家人把我继续尝试,并保持越来越好,并做出这些决定是好对我来说,我可能会放弃很久以前的事了。你需要支持系统。U (M认识到支持系统,以至于他们不会做移植之前没有培训你的支持系统。我有五个人在这个训练会发生什么当我得到一个移植手术。他们认识到,你的支持系统和你的家人是真正的原因,你会让它通过。
