
MSU学生兼实习生Katie Wisneski与社区营养讲师Cody McLaren讨论了关于杂货店购物的问题,包括去商店前的准备,如何在商店省钱,以及阅读营养成分标签。



凯蒂Wisneski:欢迎收听密歇根州立大学推广播客《邻里营养》。BOB体育第一季的重点是食物资源管理,为你提供如何最大限度地利用你的食物钱的提示和技巧。我叫Katie Wisneski,是密歇根州立大学的公共健康营养学实习生和学生。BOB体育在今天的节目中,我们和科迪·麦克拉伦进行了交谈,他是奇佩瓦、卢斯和麦基诺县的社区营养讲师。你好,科迪。谢谢你的加入。



科迪:是的。所以有几种不同的方法和事情你可以准备去杂货店。最大的一点就是不要带自己或饥饿的人去杂货店。我犯过几百次这样的错误我们都犯过。但它可以帮助你避免做出那种快速的零食决定。这些真的会让你多花钱,尤其是当你想买有营养的东西并省钱的时候。所以绝对不要饿着肚子去购物,不要带着你饿着肚子的孩子,不要带着你饿着肚子的朋友。确保你一开始就不饿。然后很多人认为你必须做得很详细,计划出一堆饮食和购物清单。但我只想做其中一种。 So if you are a really listy person and you like writing things down, then definitely go ahead and make yourself a good grocery list. Don't forget to take it with you. That's always a great thing that's happened to me before as well as are many of us, I'm sure. I think you can either do... you can do a grocery list or you can do a meal plan. So I actually usually do the meal-plan type of thing. And a lot of people think that meal planning is, it takes a long time and it's really hard to do. And it would be if you planned out every single thing you're going to eat, but the main way I like to do it is just kind of, I like to plan about three meals. So I guess backing up a little bit, I think it's good to shop probably about once a week to save the most money. I know some people like to grocery shop every day or every other day or every few days, which you can certainly do. But I think you'll find that you spend a little bit more money because that's just more of a chance to pick out something extra to snack on or pick out something extra to drink. So I like to stick to it maybe once or twice a week maximum. And then that'll probably save you the most money. And then It'll let you take advantage of the weekly sales and things like that. I like to plan out about three to four meals, and those are usually dinners. I mean, whatever I would say your largest meal of the day is, I just usually do dinners, but kind of along those lines. So to save even more money, I'm in a family of three right now, so probably like a lot of other families I'm like right on the brink of where you can get like single sizes or family sizes. You're kind of like, well, if you get one pound packages of stuff, it's almost not enough. Then you get the family size or something that's almost too much. So that's a pretty common problem, but usually the more in bulk you buy a little bit better price you get. I usually opt towards the family size type of meals, and with that, I will will make dinner with it. And then to save a couple bucks and to help prepare my shopping trip, I will just have the same thing for lunch the next day.






科迪:好的。所以幸运的是,当你走进一家商店时,你首先看到的应该是农产品。现在,如果你在一个非常大的商店,比如沃尔玛或Meijer,这取决于你进入的门,可能不是这样,但你应该在你走进商店的时候立即看到新鲜的农产品。这是一个很好的开始。当你走进商店时,你不仅能看到新鲜的农产品,还能看到应季的农产品。这有几个好处。一是你可以看到它,触摸它,闻到它,因为当你走进商店时,它就在你面前。但通常情况下,第一个箱子里都是应季水果和蔬菜,这些通常也是价格最好的。所以,如果你在寻找大宗交易,或者只是一般情况下,这些产品的最佳价格,它们就会出现在你面前。这是我们现在要教给大家的主要信息之一就是多吃水果和蔬菜。 So luckily, they don't put the dairy right at the front of the store. They usually put the fruits and the veggies, so that is a great place to start.


科迪:当然,我们都知道,通常在批量销售时,你买的东西越多,你的单价通常就越高,这通常是正确的。有一些例外,我知道现在的大商店,如果你仔细看价格标签,很多商店都会包括单价。这就是,你知道,把它简化到最小的度量单位,然后计算出它的成本。假设你在比较8盎司和1磅,你想把它们都分解成每盎司多少美分。通常情况下,当你买更多的食物时,每盎司的价格就会下降。但是要注意你的销售情况,我知道很多时候,小包装的“买两件”或“买三件”的交易实际上有时还是会比大一点的包装更贵。所以要注意这个。基本上都是类似的包装食品,想想你需要什么。有点像回到膳食计划上,选择你的购物清单或膳食计划。如果你能花15美元买到5磅鸡胸肉,那就太棒了。 But if you're only going to eat two before they go bad or before you have to freeze them. Maybe you want a little bit smaller package. So think about you, think about your needs, think about your family's needs, and really try to hone in on how much you're going to need. Now, if you're like me and you want to save a little bit extra for the next day, right, I'd probably opt for the larger size. Would that give me a better unit price? Probably, but not always. So just think about how you're going to use it. A couple more things with similarly packaged items. Look for, make sure you bring it down to price per ounce cuz I know a lot of things such as like bag lettuce or bagged salads. You might see a bag that's twice the size as another bag, and it will be twice the price as the other bag. But they may not actually be twice as much you know, vegetables or leaves in there. So make sure you're not paying extra for air in a bag. And that probably goes for chips as well, even though they're not quite as healthy as a spinach or a salad, but that goes for chips and snack foods as well. Make sure you're not paying extra for air in that bag.




科迪:是的,这是个好问题,我遇到过很多次这个问题。所以作为一名营养老师,我需要大量购买健康食品,有时特别是在我们的地理区域没有最好的分销渠道的情况下,这可能是一个问题。当然,交易发布日期越早,你就会发现最好的运气,对吧?所以如果有一个超级便宜的鸡肉,你四天后去那里。你可能找不到你想要的东西,可能只是那批剩下的东西。所以,试着关注那些销售的日期,试着在短时间内完成,确保你从一开始就进入。这样问也无伤大雅。特别是在熟食店,当你处理蛋白质食品甚至冷冻食品时。问问出纳员也无妨。我去过很多次熟食店,我想买一些鲑鱼片,但是那里没有卖,而且当时还很早。 So I kind of thought I might be out of luck, but I asked him in the back and they just had some that were still partially frozen that they weren't quite able to put out on that and deli counter and they hooked me up with whatever I needed. So it never hurts to ask. You can go for alternatives too so say, you know, you were going for chicken and they were sold out of chicken. Well then maybe try, I know it works for like especially ground meats too. So if you're looking for ground chicken try ground turkey. If you're looking for a specialty ground beef, maybe settle for a different blend or different grind of the two and try to get as close as you can, but that can be very tricky for sure.


科迪:绝对的。事实上,我刚上过一节关于这个的课,所以这在我的脑海里很新鲜,你把它钉在了应该是凯蒂的地方,看看那个营养标签,美国农业部让他们放在所有食物上的那个小盒子。那就是我们要去寻找真相的地方。不幸的是,食品标签上的其他地方都是营销,那只是为了让你买它,他们做得非常非常好。你知道,这是个竞争非常激烈的市场。这是非常重要的一点。我想说的是,他们总是强调食物的优点,而忽略食物的缺点。所以我们的工作就是查看营养成分这样我们就能看到所有好的东西也能看到所有不好的东西。当然,营养成分表后面是成分表。他们必须列出食物中所含的每一种物质。 So it's a great place to go for healthy items, items that are bad for you, allergies and everything else, but specific to the nutrition facts label, serving size is always a great place to start. In general, serving sizes are always smaller than what we usually eat. Serving sizes are around a 100 calories is kinda how they figure them in there. So a lot of times, you know, the food we eat now a days, is very rich and it's very nutritious. So a lot, we're getting usually over a 100 calories per time. So check out that serving size. A good rule of thumb is the smaller the serving size, either the more calories it contains or maybe the more unhealthy it is for you. So try and check out that serving size and just realize what you're getting. So I know some small snack size packages you would think were meant to eat at a single sitting or at a single time and you look on there and you're like, whoa, there's two or three servings in this tiny little bar, this tiny little drink or whatever it might be. And that's a good indication that you might not want to eat all that at one time, or it's really going to stack up on the calories. Now, I mean, if it's something good for you, then that's besides the point, but check that serving size. Make sure it's not really, really small and a little bit deceiving, and start there. And then the middle of that nutrition facts label is always our macronutrients. So it's the breakdown of fats, proteins, and carbs. The fats, make sure we're sticking to healthy fat. So we want our majority of fat to come from unsaturated sources, which will keep our cholesterol down. Those are our healthiest fats. They will actually lower our bad cholesterol. So that's a great thing. For carbohydrates, so this is a big one, with our new food labels that we finally got. They list added sugars. So everyone's always in an argument, you know, carbs are good, are carbs bad, are they good? Well, they're good and they're bad. It just depends on which ones you get. We list our total carbohydrates, which may be high, may be low. That's really neither beside the point. We just want our total sugars and especially our added sugars to be as different as the total carbs as possible. So if I were to pick up a label, and it said 25-30 grams of carbs, you know is that a lot of carbs? Yeah, it's getting up there, but if it only said two grams added sugars, that means all of those grams of carbohydrates are coming from healthy natural sources. So whole grains or fruits or veggies, and that would be, that would be perfectly fine. That would be a good thing now if we picked it up and it said 30 grams of carbs and 30 grams of added sugars. Then we know that literally almost all of the energy coming from that food is straight from added sugars. So that's an important thing.


科迪:有三件事可以帮助我们保持饱腹感。肉类和蛋白质就是其中之一。但这也是让我们饱腹的更昂贵的方式之一。所以健康的脂肪、蛋白质和纤维能让我们有饱腹感。每餐都有肉当然可以满足其中一项要求,但它会有点贵,因为蛋白质通常是我们在商店买到的最贵的东西。所以不要忘记健康的脂肪。所以肉类确实含有一些健康的和不健康的脂肪,但你知道,那仍然很贵。所以要确保你使用的是植物脂肪,花生酱,坚果酱,当然,豆类,种子和坚果也是很好的来源。你知道,豆类可能一直都有不好的名声,我不知道,我喜欢豆类,但是如果我们仔细想想,一磅肋眼牛排,你知道,可能是15到20美元。一磅黑豆大概90美分。 Same amount protein, same thing, it will still fill you up, but one is astronomically more expensive than the other ones. Go with plant sources of protein or healthy fats. And then of course, fiber will also keep us fuller much longer, which we can find in fruits, veggies, and whole grain. Some things will give us all three of those. So like a peanut butter, right? We're getting healthy fats, we're getting a little bit of fiber and a little bit of protein. So that's why some of those things worked really, really well to keep us full for a long time. That's a great question.


科迪:绝对的。我们稍微讲了一下。有三种不同类型的脂肪。有饱和,不饱和,反式和氢化。饱和脂肪通常来自动物,饱和脂肪会稍微提高我们的胆固醇。这并不理想。所以我们称他们为中间脂肪。这些都是动物脂肪,对吧,比如培根和真正的黄油。然后是不饱和脂肪,通常来自植物。有一些动物,比如鱼,是不饱和的,这实际上会降低你的胆固醇。 So either of those two are fine. The unsaturated one maybe a little bit more because we should get a healthy balance with those two. One should maybe raise a little bit and then lower it. But a lot of times where people get in trouble are those trans and hydrogenated fats that we find in a lot of processed foods. So those are kinda like man-made fats. So those are made to extend the shelf life of most foods. And, you know, unfortunately, so it actually also makes it into a terrible fat for our bodies and it really raises our cholesterol. Try to stay away from those if you can. And then the saturated fats don't go too much on them. It's kind of like a go, slow, and whoa type of thing. Eat as many unsaturated fats as you want, those are good for you, that will really fill you up. Chances are they might even have a little fiber in them as well. And then, you know, little bit of saturated fats have some bacon and butter here and there. And then try to stay away from the trans and hydrogenated fats. And a good way to find any of those things is that nutrition facts and that ingredients list.




科迪:绝对的。所以如果我们考虑好的碳水化合物,我们有水果、蔬菜和全谷物,这是我们能得到的最好的碳水化合物。这些也含有大量的纤维。碳水化合物是非常小的分子,这是它们最好的地方。它们很容易吸收,我们可以很容易地利用它们作为能量。问题是,简单的碳水化合物或来自水果、蔬菜和全谷物之外的碳水化合物。它们不含任何纤维,这实际上让它们太简单了。所以当我们吃它们的时候,我们会摄入它们。它们会撞击我们的身体,然后非常非常迅速地吸收。这似乎是件好事。 And it is for about five minutes, right? We've all felt that kind of sugar buzzy, sugar drop type of thing. So unfortunately they go as fast as they onset and you'll be left with no energy, headaches, all the other symptoms we hear about people eating too many carbs. Basically we need to eat them and absorb them the way they were naturally made to. So when we eat the added sugars and we eat refined carbohydrates, those sugars and those starches are going to absorb way too fast. And that's really not good for us, either short-term or long-term. So the fiber will slow that down and make us absorb it as it was supposed to.


科迪:是的。我觉得很多人,当我们给他们提供智能购物时,他们会觉得这需要很多工作。人们认为他们必须去杂货店,他们会在那里花几个小时阅读标签,试着把这些东西分开。不管怎样,我用的一些好技巧和技巧是,先试着在杂货店外面购物。如果你想一下,我们已经说过我们通常看到的第一样东西是水果和蔬菜。所以我们需要水果和蔬菜,因为我们需要水果和蔬菜。当然,商店最后面总是我们的新鲜奶制品,对吧?所以每个人都买牛奶和鸡蛋,然后去杂货店,这就是为什么他们把牛奶和鸡蛋放在后面,因为人们必须走很远的路才能买到。所以我们已经有了,你知道,我们已经讲过的五种食物中的三种。面包通常是挂在外面的墙上或面包店里,但我们可以用它来代表全谷物。 And then all we're left with this protein. So that's, that's our meat counter, and our meats. So spend the majority of your money on whole foods around the outside of the store, right? The things that are usually more healthy for us, tend to go bad quicker unfortunately. So they need to be frozen and refrigerated, so make our way around the outside first. And then we can get into the middle where we might have some snack foods and other things. You don't want to stay out of the middle completely because there are some really good things in there. We got our baking supplies, canned goods, and things like that. A couple other points I want to make is, the three most expensive things that we usually buy are fruits, veggies and protein. So I made this mistake before on fruits and veggies. So I would go kind of crazy when I got to the fresh fruits and veggie isle because, you know, they were overwhelming. They look so good. We buy a bunch of them and then I was finding that a week or so later, I have a bunch leftover in the bottom my refrigerator. So, you know, that's just like wasted money sitting in there. So that's not always a good thing. Now what I do is there's three ways to get fruits and veggies. We can get them fresh, we can get them frozen and we can get them canned. In a perfect world, we were all just buy all the fresh fruits and veggies that we needed. But don't forget about canned and frozen fruits and veggies because they're a lot cheaper and they last much longer than fresh stuff. So use all three varieties of fruits and veggies that will save you a ton of money, whether it's at the store right then or a week later when you have some things that weren't so cheap, gone bad in your refrigerator drawer. And then I like to say just with protein be adaptable. Normally most stores will rotate sales with protein. So one week or every two weeks there'll be a sale on poultry or there'll be pork or beef. And in those cases there, you know, I really had tacos on my dinner list and I get to the store and ground beef isn't on sale, but say chicken breasts are. Well, it looks like I'm making fajitas now, right? It's all the same ingredients. It's just a different protein. So be adaptable, right? If you get to the store and the meat you were looking for you're hoping was on sale isn't, just use the other one because most recipes with just a little flip of a switch and maybe a couple spices are gonna turn out just the same and be just as tasty as well. So have a good variety of protein and be adaptable in that. And then make sure you utilize all sources and that goes for protein too. So never be afraid to buy canned chicken. It may look weird. It may be canned, but it's a lot cheaper and lasts a long time.











凯蒂:感谢您收看本期的邻里营养节目。希望你能继续收看我们的下期节目。本期播客的资金来自美国农业部的补充营养援助计划(SNAP)和扩大的食品和营养教育计划(EFNEP),以及美国农业部bob体育合法吗国家食品和农业研究所。本播客使用的音乐是Komiku的Champ de Tournesol,可从pixabay.com访问。密歇根州立大学是一所平权行动平等机会的雇主,致力于通过多元化的劳动力和包容性的文化实现卓越,鼓励所有人充分发挥他们的潜力。BOB体育密歇根州立大学的推广项目和材料对所有人开放,不分种族、肤色、国籍、性别、性别认同、宗教、年龄、身高、体重、残疾、政治信仰、性取向、婚姻状况、家庭状况或退伍军人身份。为了促进密歇根州立大学推广工作法案,与美国农业部合作,于1914年5月8日和6月30日发布,密歇根州立大学推广主任杰弗里·W·德怀尔,密歇根州东兰辛48824此信息仅用于教育目的。bob体育合法吗提及商业产品或商品名称并不意味着MSU扩展的认可或对未提及的产品有偏见。
