


帕克,J。,Cuthbertson, C., Loveridge, S., Skidmore, M., & Dyar, W. (2016). Forecasting State-level Suicide, Drug-induced Death, and Alcohol-induced Death Outcomes Using Google Trends, forthcoming in情感障碍杂志》

瑞茜,L。,Skidmore, M. & Dyar, W. (2016). No Dog Left Behind: A Hedonic Pricing Model for Animal Shelters,应用动物福利科学杂志》上

斯基德莫尔,m . L。Staatz, j . M。,Dembele, N. N., & Ouédraogo, A. (2016). Migration, land allocation mechanisms and conflict in Mali.区域发展和政策

金沙,G。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2015). Detroit and the property tax: Strategies to improve equity and enhance revenue. (Policy Focus Report). Cambridge, MA: Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Kang年代。,瑞茜,洛杉矶。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2015). How effective are property tax abatements? The case of Michigan.政策分析与管理杂志》上

托雅,H。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2015). Information/communication technology and natural disaster vulnerability.经济学的信件

霍奇,T。,McMillen, D., Sands, G., & Skidmore, M. L. (2015). Assessment inequity in a declining housing market: The case of Detroit.房地产经济学

盖,H。金沙,G。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2015). Assessment growth limits and mobility: Evidence from home sale data in Detroit, Michigan.国家税务杂志,68年(3),573 - 600。

霍奇,T。,斯基德莫尔,m . L。金沙,G。,& McMillen, D. (2015). Tax base erosion and inequity from Michigan’s assessment growth limit: The case of Detroit.公共财政评审,43(5)。

斯基德莫尔,m . L。康,S。,& Reese, L. A. (2015). The effects of changes in property tax rates and school spending on residential and business property value growth.房地产经济学

Kang年代。,斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Reese, L. A. (2015). The effects of changes in property tax rates and school spending on residential and business property value growth.房地产经济学,43(2),300 - 333。

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,Anderson, G. R., & Eiswerth, M. (2014). The child adoption marketplace: Parental preferences and adoption outcomes.公共财政评审

金沙,G。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2014). Making ends meet: Options for property tax reform in Detroit.城市事务杂志》,36(4),682 - 700。doi: 10.1111 / juaf。12069年ISSN: 07352166

斯基德莫尔,m . l . (2014)。将绿地有助于缩减底特律的荒地。固定电话,8。可以从www.lincolninst.edu/pubs/2467_Will-a-Greenbelt-Help-to-Shrink-Detroit-s-Wasteland-

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Toya, H. (2014). Do natural disasters enhance societal trust?经济和政治

瑞茜,洛杉矶。金沙,G。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2014). Memo from Motown: Is austerity here to stay?剑桥杂志的地区,经济和社会,7(1),99 - 118。doi: 10.1093 /《/ rst037 ISSN: 17521378

詹姆斯,一个。,霍奇,T。,金沙,G。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2014). Detroit property tax delinquency-social contract in crisis.公共财政和管理,13(3),280 - 305。

珀尔帖,j·W。斯基德莫尔,M。L., & Milne, G. R. (2013). Assessing the impact of gasoline sales-below-cost laws on retail price and market structure: Implications for consumer welfare.公共政策和市场营销杂志》上,32(2),239 - 254。0743 - 9156 . doi: 10.1509 / - 32.2.239 ISSN: 07439156

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,:,’科蒂认为这样做C。,& Alm, J. (2013). The political economy of state government subsidy adoption: The case of ethanol.经济和政治,25(2),162 - 180。doi: 10.1111 / ecpo。12008年ISSN: 09541985

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Toya, H. (2013). Natural disaster impacts and fiscal decentralization.土地经济学,89年(1),101 - 117。石头:00237639

斯基德莫尔,m . L。、瑞茜·l·A。,& Kang, S. H. (2012). Regional analysis of property taxation, education finance reform, and property value growth.区域科学和城市经济学,42(1 - 2),351 - 363。doi: 10.1016 / j.regsciurbeco.2011.10.008 ISSN: 01660462

里德,w·R。,Rogers, C. L., & Skidmore, M. L. (2011). On estimating marginal tax rates for U.S. States.国家税务杂志,64年(1),59 - 84。石头:00280283

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Tosun, M. S. (2011). Property value assessment growth limits, tax base erosion, and regional in-migration.公共财政评审,39(2),256 - 287。1091142110381636 . doi: 10.1177 / ISSN: 10911421

梅里曼,d F。斯基德莫尔,M。L., & Kashian, R. D. (2011). Do tax increment finance districts stimulate growth in real estate values?房地产经济学,39(2),221 - 250。doi: 10.1111 / j.1540-6229.2010.00294。x ISSN: 10808620

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Scorsone, E. A. (2011). Causes and consequences of fiscal stress in Michigan cities.区域科学和城市经济学,41(4),360 - 371。doi: 10.1016 / j.regsciurbeco.2011.02.007 ISSN: 01660462

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Kashian, R. (2010). On the relationship between tax increment finance and property taxation.区域科学和城市经济学,40(6),407 - 414。doi: 10.1016 / j.regsciurbeco.2010.05.002 ISSN: 01660462

Cotti C。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2010). The impact of state government subsidies and tax credits in an emerging industry: Ethanol production 1980-2007.南部经济杂志,76年(4),1076 - 1093。石头:00384038

斯基德莫尔,m . L。,Ballard, C. L., & Hodge, T. R. (2010). Property value assessment growth limits and redistribution of property tax payments: Evidence from Michigan.国家税务杂志,63年(3),509 - 538。石头:00280283

托雅,H。,斯基德莫尔,m . L。,& Robertson, R. (2010). A reevaluation of the effect of human capital accumulation on economic growth using natural disasters as an instrument.东部经济杂志,36(1),120 - 137。doi: 10.1057 / eej.2008.54 ISSN: 00945056

Welsch, d . M。,Statz B。,& Skidmore, M. L. (2010). An examination of inter-district public school transfers in Wisconsin.教育经济学评论,29日(1),126 - 137。doi: 10.1016 / j.econedurev.2009.07.008 ISSN: 02727757