AC3 Pod Cast第7集农场

采访来自Farm For Folks的Elise Bunce






伊莉斯:当然。大约三年前,也许更早。我在想,我们怎样才能把优质、健康的农产品送到不同的家庭,让他们能够定期去农贸市场或杂货店买东西。我们提出了一些想法,一些农民和我,其中一些想法是在周六市场结束时收集农产品,然后在周日以某种方式分发。这在后勤上是非常困难的,我们最终试图找出如何让农民为他们的产品获得公平的工资,并直接分配到家庭。它最终被命名为“人民农场”,目前大约有七八个农场作为供应商参与其中。他们提供农产品或猪肉、鸡蛋、蜂蜜或任何农场的产品。还有志愿者负责分发食物和从农场取食物。这些费用都是由社区成员和企业赞助的。这就是基本的螺母和螺栓。 How it works is it starts June 24th this year and goes through the middle of September. So it's a full 12 weeks and it starts now. because now we start looking for sponsors to give us some donations to keep us going. We put lots of posters out and Facebook and social media calls for people who wish to receive free CSA box, which is the boxful, the produce and in products from the farms. And then we also start looking for volunteers. So that starts now. And looking for participants who received the free CSA box, they can call my number, which I'll give to you at the end of this podcast, by April 30th. And then I'm still collecting volunteers. I have quite a few already. A lot of the same volunteers who have done it for the past two years. And then in May, we meet with the farmers and we meet with the volunteers. I handout thank you notes to the sponsors for giving their donations. And then in June, the program starts. How it goes on a day-to-day basis is it's every Friday and I'm the one who picks up all of the groceries and all of the products from the farms. So I leave my house around nine o'clock in the morning. On Fridays, I visit all the farms who give me all their fresh produce and how they bundle it is in bunches that are small enough, that are about $4 a bunch is a fair share market. And they have to make up anywhere between 20 and 24 bunches. And that number comes from, and I'll backtrack a little bit here to the 20 families or individuals that we will be delivering to. So backtracking a little bit and talking about how we get our participants is they, like I said, they call me, they give me their information and they get put in one of three piles. They get put in either a Grand Marais pile meaning they live in Grand Marais. They live in the Munising area. They live in Western Alger County. And then after April 30th, when we have all the people which last year was like over 50 people. And since we only service 20, I put each area into a hat and I literally pull names. And then those are the people that are now in this year's program. And when I call them up, they I don't ask for their need or if they are unable to get produce. We kind of assume by the information that goes out in the community that if they signed up for the program, they need it. So we really don't ask very many questions at that point. And they have to be available on Fridays. And if they're not going to be available on those Fridays, they have to have someone else there to pick it up. I've told the volunteers that we're not leaving any CSAs outside because one, it's hot and sunny. And also sometimes we have frozen product. It's like frozen pork or eggs. And they have to know that the CSA boxes is not goin to be left, if they have not set up something in advance, if they're not going to be there. And then once the participants give those commitments to me, the program begins. And the volunteers, there are several volunteers. And they will do either the Munising run, the Grand Marais run, or the western Alger County run. So once I've picked up all of the produce, I go to the North Farm a MSU. I open up my back, my car where all the produce is. Western Alger County Volunteer meets me and she takes her seven or six shares. And then I drive to Munising and I drop off to the Munising volunteer her six or seven shares. And then I drive to Grand Marias and I do the running Grand Marais myself.


伊莉斯:是的。当然,因为现在是夏天,我有时会没空。我有志愿者在整个过程中帮助我。所以我会派人去取农产品,然后和其他人一起去大玛丽亚。志愿者会收到一张30美元或50美元的汽油卡。如果他们要去大玛丽亚岛,那么他们也会得到一周的免费份额。当我说农民必须捆绑20到24股时。这取决于志愿者们要捐出多少股份。我想说明的是农民们每周都会捐出这些钱的份额给志愿者。今年我们将稍微提高农民的价格,因为所有价格都上涨了。 Doing farming myself, I, it's astounding how expensive things are this year. And I want to make it equitable for the farmers, solid produce for the participants, a value for the sponsors that give us the money to do so.

chen li:听起来是个不小的手术。



伊莉斯:你知道,他们喜欢它有两个原因。一个是这个特殊的农民群体真的是以社区为导向的。他们真的想帮助社区,那些需要我们社区的人。他们也意识到他们得到了他们应得的份额,他们的市场价值。虽然这不是很多钱,但这是12周内稳定的收入来源。其中有两个农民,我希望今年能有另一个农民加入。所以我会让他们和另一个经验丰富的农民配对。所以他们知道一群人长什么样。我一份给多少土豆?他们可以通过这个项目得到指导。 But it's really, really simple. Because Fridays I pick up produce, I give it to the volunteers and it's given to the families home. And that's it.

chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。

伊莉斯:嗯,让我想想。在Trenary, Tanells农场有Full Plate。那里有吃蘑菇的人。有三叶草农场。它们是蜂蜜和鸡蛋,实际上它们不在阿尔杰县。我希望今年能有。在强力土壤农场不再与我们在一起之后,我还没有联系农民。他们是我在三叶草农场和新农场之间的中间人。我不记得他们的名字了,也许我们最好不要列出农场。凯斯郡农场,想着我还能去哪里? Oh, there's Katie Moore. She does makes bread out of her farm in Chatham . And then there's Gabe's Farm in, just on the border of Alger and Marquette County there's probably like seven or eight farms all together.

chen li:好极了。特别是他们得到了报酬,因为这是可持续农场的关键,你需要为你生产的农产品和其他物品获得报酬。我们总是要求人们捐赠东西,但农民们需要得到报酬,但他们为志愿者捐赠了一些农产品,这也很棒!参与者呢?你从他们那里听说过这个项目吗?

伊莉斯:所以他们同意参加这个项目的一部分原因是我在电话里和他们做了一份预先调查问卷?比如,你对某种蔬菜过敏吗?你能在家做蔬菜吗?你有锅碗瓢盆吗?你能吗?你会冻结吗?你愿意和你的邻居分享这个吗?这就是开始。然后每周他们会回答一份非常简单的问卷,就是你对你的盒子有什么看法。你还有其他的吗? Was there something that you really had no clue about and learned about in this box and in the box each week. MSU, wonderful about getting me recipes on.....



chen li:这是很重要的。我看了那张电子表格,里面有一些不寻常的东西,我试着把包括这些东西的食谱拿出来。所以人们会想,我要用这个做什么,你知道吗?


chen li:这些农产品和农民生产的其他产品都是高质量的产品,不是他们的残羹剩饭或旧东西,而是优质的高质量产品。


chen li:你能买到的最好的东西!而且是本地新鲜的,所以味道最好,里面的营养成分也最多。这听起来像是双赢,对所有人都是双赢,包括志愿者。


chen li:这是什么意思呢?

伊莉斯:这是个好问题。所以今年我打算尝试一些不同的东西,和农民们谈谈。在过去的两年里,因为这将是我们项目的第三年,每件物品的价值从2美元到10美元不等。现在,当你看它的时候,农产品在任何地方都可以便宜到2美元到5美元。但是猪肉、鸡蛋和蜂蜜更贵。值项。我们计算出每个家庭每周的CSA盒子价值大约24到25美元。根据到目前为止我们每年赚多少钱,我们可以稍微修饰一下,而不是有大量的多余的钱。我们会用另一种农产品或农场的其他产品来点缀,比如去年和前年,我们每周都有面包,每周都有新鲜的面包,或者猪肉、培根、鸡蛋、蜂蜜和鸭蛋,这就是我们所希望的。到目前为止,我们的赞助投入,资金流入是相当不错的,或者大约比我们真正需要的少1000。 And the problem with getting all that money is that the cost for the educational part of it. Okay. The paper, the printing is going to be wonderful now that you at MSU are going to help me with that because that was coming off my own computer. And then gas cards are probably the most expensive and tossing around this year whether or not to decrease them and then the price of gas shot up, we're not going to reduce those. So each of those $30 cards and $50 cards add up. I do not take any gas money because I really liked the drive to Grand Marias (chuckles) I enjoy it very much and it's on my time and I don't want a gas card. But when someone covers me, when I'm not there, that person gets a $50 gas card that's like $900 or more in just gas cards. The over head of the program. That's pretty much it. It's probably close to maybe $1300 tops. One thing that we did spend money on last year because we had this extra money from our sponsors was we were using paper bags to put our produce, but everybody washes their produce and it's still a little wet when I get it in the morning and the bags would be a mass. So Gabe at his farm had these small green plastic boxes that we now recycle and we have enough so that one week they get a box, and then the next week they return their old box and we give them a new box. So there's two boxes for each family, and then I wash and clean the boxes in between. And it's all nice because it's just, it's not messy at all.

chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。你从当地市民那里筹集了多少钱,今年你想要什么,或者你还不知道?

伊莉斯:嗯,去年我们最终有大约1700美元的储蓄,我们需要6500美元来支付CSA的股票。所以我们计算了一下,省下的1700美元足够支付日常开支了。所以我们正在寻找大约6500个,我认为我们已经接近5000个了。我要告诉你的是,我总是惊讶于阿尔杰县的慷慨。bob是什么平台这让我大吃一惊。还有个人。今年有更多的企业给予了今年,我在2月份向该地区的几家企业发出了赞助信,我知道他们可以处理,当我甚至得到一家企业为一个人支付一周的费用时,我欣喜若狂,因为这一切都是有意义的。我还有很多州外的人,我没有问过他们你为什么资助这个项目。bob是什么平台(两人都笑了)但我不知道他们是以前住在这里的老居民还是认识这里的人。但可能有四五个人。 They don't even live in the state.




chen li:大家好,我是杨莉,我是杨莉。


chen li:我是杨莉。伊莉斯:我通常只有八、九个。我们在极速上碰面,我提前发了日程表。通常每个人都会选择两个周末。他们明白,如果他们周末去不了,第一件事就是试着找别人。如果他们不能,我就自己跑,我会让我的人知道我会多待一个小时,你知道,晚一点,因为这真的没有那么难。这真的很简单。最难的是第一轮比赛。在那之后,你想找房子,那是小菜一碟。



chen li:我可以告诉你。你想把这些信息公布给更多的捐赠者吗?

Elise:如果你有兴趣成为志愿者或参与者,在家里接受CSA份额,或者成为赞助商,你可以给我的手机留言。我不太擅长挑,但我很擅长看。我的电话号码是9062504825,或者你可以给我发邮件或短信。相同的地址。它是eliseb,如在boy, @ tds…汤姆,戴夫,史蒂夫,点网

chen li:谢谢你在邮件里提到的这些数字。希望你能让更多的人参与进来。再说一次,多么精彩的节目。我一直在尝试在网上提供营养课程,或者我也可以在这些地方亲自做,我不确定。但我很想做一个营养系列节目。






