
作者:Vicki Ballas

与LMAS健康部门的Monica Erickson进行的减少伤害访谈



Vicki Balls:欢迎来到阿尔杰县社区关怀播客系列。我是Vicki Ballas,来自密歇根州立大学的阿尔杰和马奎特县社区营养讲师。BOB体育密歇根州立大学扩展部正在与阿尔杰县关怀社区(简称AC3)合作,提供来自我们社区的信息丰富和真实的对话。AC3是一个由社区成员组成的联盟,通过提供项目和资源,为阿尔杰县的所有青年和成年人创造一个安全、健康和繁荣的环境,共同努力保持阿尔杰县的团结和繁荣。欢迎来到第四期节目。今天,我们和Monica Erickson谈话,她是LMAS健康部门减少伤害项目的注册护士,这是Luce, Mackinac, Alger和School Craft。欢迎,莫妮卡。



莫妮卡:好,那我就从我们开设这个项目的历史说起吧。这主要是因为丙型肝炎在卢斯,麦基诺,阿尔杰和克拉夫特学校等地区呈上升趋势。卫生部门想要做些什么来确保这个地区没有任何血液传播疾病的爆发。所以密歇根州做了一个丙型肝炎易发县的排名,卢斯排名第二,麦基诺排名第四,阿尔杰排名第28。因此,它们在爆发疫情的脆弱县名单上都名列前茅。他们发现,这些病例中有许多是年龄在18到35岁之间的人,他们参与了注射毒品的使用。因此,为了降低这种风险,我们启动了“减少危害计划”,这是一个注射器交换计划。我们看到丙型肝炎的发病率有很大的增长特别是在北方邦的所有县。所以我们开始了这个项目来帮助控制这些数字,让人们接受治疗并做一些测试。所以我想我应该谈谈我们提供什么样的服务。 It's a mobile unit, so it's a van and its me, the registered nurse and our peer recovery coach who goes with me to do direct outreach with people. So the peer recovery coaching services, our recovery support. We use motivational interviewing, which is tool that we use to help people get to where they want to be with their goals. So when we meet with people, we talk with them about where they want to be in regards to their lives, what they, what their goals are, that they want to use less substances if they want to be able to live a life where they have a consistent job and housing and things like that, and then we help them to get to that place. So our peer recovery coach does a lot of more like case management type things where we help get people jobs and we help get people the tools that they need to be successful. And she does a little bit of job coaching like what is and isn't appropriate to do on a job site and resumes and interviewing skills and things like that. So we do safety planning for maintaining and obtaining sobriety. We teach relapse prevention and coping mechanisms to people. The Narcan training and distribution and Narcan nasal spray that reverses overdoses, also known as the generic naloxone, do condom distribution and other safe sex education and supplies. We have resources for STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, et cetera, treatment and prevention. We do HIV and hepatitis C rapid testing from the van so we can find out if people are at risk for having those blood-borne diseases that we can help link them to care. We link people to social services as needed or other contexts that may be needed. And we reduced the spread of the blood pathogens like HIV and hepatitis C. We've been running for about over a year. We started the week that the shutdown started happening. in Michigan. Vicki: That's large gamut of things that you cover. The public really focuses on the needle exchange, but you listed so many more things that you do as part of that harm reduction program.



chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。一开始你提到谁是北方邦第二名的肝炎患者。第一位?


chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。大家好,我是杨莉。这些人怎么说他们需要帮助,他们听到了这个。他们是如何参与这个项目的?

莫妮卡:如果有人对我们感兴趣,在这种情况下向别人寻求帮助有点冒险,因为人们害怕我们告发他们或告诉其他人。这就是小城镇的情况。人们知道很多关于他们邻居的事情和人们不敢去接触的事情,但事实并非如此。这是保密的。我们,他们受到HIPAA的保护,所以即使我想说也不能说。所以没人说名字之类的。人们可以保持匿名,只要他们愿意。我开始接触的一些人。我甚至不知道他们的名字和住址之类的。我们在图书馆或者加油站见面。 They want to go buy a pseudonym or something like that, and that's totally fine if they're comfortable with that. And then over time we build trust and rapport and I get to know more about them and better able to help them. But it takes a lot to reach out for help a lot of the times. So somebody would find out about our program. We have flyers around town. Word of mouth is a big one. So people find out about our program and they just reach out. And we will say, okay, we'll come see you in the van, wherever is convenient for you. They'll say If they want to meet at the house or at a gas station or library or anywhere that they're comfortable with. And we'll go and have just a conversation with people. We try not to do a ton of paperwork and things like that. So basically we'll just meet with them and say, what do you need, What are you working on? What do you want to see different? Well, it's very non-judgmental. We only ask what is appropriate and that time if they're really nervous and don't want to talk, then we don't talk a lot, it's just kind of whatever that they would need. It's very meet them where they're at, just help them at that moment with whatever they're going through. So then we would meet with them. You had to ask them what they need help with and then try to figure it out from there.







chen li:他们并不是你想象中的那种生活在贫民窟的人。即使他们是,我们也想帮助那些人。他们不是你说的那样,他们是邻居。这是一个很好的项目,一个人们需要的很有帮助的项目。


chen li:哇!这是一个很好的观点。我觉得,我觉得这个节目很棒。我很高兴我们在北方邦也有。我认为这是我们都应该非常感激的事情。

莫妮卡:特别是我们将消除人们不需要开车去我们那里之类的障碍。我们可以直接去找他们,在他们所在的地方和他们见面。而不是让他们不得不来到一个可怕的办公室环境或搭便车去地方。我们可以直接到你所在的地方。chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。wang fei:大家好,我是杨莉。这是真的,这是真的,你在这里提供的帮助。我觉得很棒,我喜欢!莫妮卡,去年你给多少人提供了这个项目?第一年,我们总共有41个参与者。这是我们在卢斯,麦基诺,阿尔杰和学校工艺县见过的41个人。 It was projected from Michigan Department of Health and Human Services staff that we would probably go about nine months without having anybody before we would finally engage with people in the community. Because it is kind of hard to find people that don't want their secret known. They don't want people to know that they're using. But we have a fantastic peer recovery coach who is so welcoming to people and able to be that person for a lot of people that she, those 41 participants, we wouldn't have had hardly any success without her and her expertise in the situation. So we have 41 people. Everybody always wants to know how many syringes we've given out and receive back. So we've given out 13,074 syringes in that year. And we've actually received back 14,053 because people are nervous to get rid of those, they don't want to throw them away. They don't want to leave them places, obviously because that's not safe. So when we started going to people's houses and things like that, as we build more trust people gave us all of the syringes they had in their homes that they were afraid to get rid of in like mason jars and detergent containers in large amounts. We were able to get back from before they were participating in the program. And you haven't had a single instance of syringe litter found anywhere.


莫妮卡:是的,与我们合作的人希望更负责任地使用。他们想要更安全。他们想要摆脱注射器,他们想要少用。他们根本不想使用。我们帮助他们实现目标。如果他们有毒品残留的注射器,就会有麻烦,因为这会让他们受到随身物品的指控。当我们开车的时候,我把那些医疗垃圾捡起来,这样就减少了他们的障碍。人们并不害怕拥有它,因为他们给了我们。我把它去掉。有时人们担心,因为我们免费赠送注射器,人们更有可能使用以前没用过的注射器,或者他们更有可能使用比原来更多的药物。 And the evidence shows that that is not an issue. The research shows that people actually use much less once they start engaging with a program like ours. And there has never ban a documented case of somebody who has never used drugs going to a harm reduction program to get syringes and start using substances for the first time.


莫尼卡:是的。所以重复使用注射器对静脉护理是不好的,特别是可能会有病原体和疾病留在注射器上所以你不想重复使用它们。你尤其不想共用注射器或任何与吸毒有关的东西。所以你要用的任何材料,你都要用干净的材料。所以我们一定要教育人们,我们一定要教育人们做一些事情,比如洗手,清洗你试图注射的身体部位,因为我们不想让你有任何感染或脓肿,因为细菌感染可能由药物使用引起,比如心内膜炎,它会影响心脏内膜,导致重大问题,尤其是在这条线上。所以当人们开始使用更安全的药物或保持清醒时,他们就会开始遇到所有这些问题。我们要确保当人们停止使用药物时,他们可以过上健康的生活而不是心内膜炎,包括更换心脏瓣膜之类的大手术。我们不希望人们感染丙型肝炎,我们希望他们使用无菌注射器。我们不希望人们感染艾滋病毒,因为他们必须在余生中与之打交道。当然,随之而来的是成本节约,治疗丙型肝炎要花费40万美元,而一个干净的注射器不到10美分。 So we really want to help people out and have them use more safely. And then I guess I should go into statistically people are five times more likely to enter treatment and subsequent recovery when they engage and a harm reduction program like ours. So people are very motivated to get better with their substance use when they engage with us, they have somebody that cares about them and cares about their health. Wanting to help.


chen li:这个节目很有意义。这是我们的卫生部门造成的吗?这是政府的项目吗?那颗星怎么了?

莫尼卡:是的。所以我们的卫生部门得到了资金因为疾控中心认为这个地区是高风险地区。我们旁边的奇佩瓦县有一个项目,他们已经有四年了,马奎特县卫生部门也有一到两年了。所以我们是最新的一个,所有的县都在启动项目像西部的UP卫生部门已经启动了一个,Dickinson Iron也启动了一个。所以每个人都在参与这个基于证据的项目。

chen li: UP在上面。我们并不总是落后,我们并不总是忽视所有这些问题。这确实是解决这些问题的有效方法。太棒了,我喜欢。我们能谈谈吸毒过量宣传日吗?我知道,AC3,即阿尔杰县社区护理组织,正在与LMAS卫生部和其他机构合作,举办“药物过量宣传日”活动。8月31日,我们会在查塔姆合作公寓开纳洛酮试驾从9点到1点如果你想在这段时间出来的话。你会收到一个礼袋,里面有NARCAN,还有很多其他信息和其他物品。所以出来吧,也许可以帮助别人。拯救某人的生命。 Can you talk a little bit about Narcan and what it is and who it's used for and who can get Narcan and why would they want to have it?

莫尼卡:是的。所以纳洛酮或纳洛酮作为其通用名称,是一种药物。这是一种阿片类拮抗剂如果有人摄入阿片类药物。比如泰诺,维柯丁,还有苏博松,海洛因,芬太尼。这些都是阿片类药物。所以纳洛酮只对阿片类药物起作用。因此,如果有人服用这些药物,可能会导致呼吸窘迫,或者他们会停止呼吸或呼吸减少。所以当有人服用纳洛酮时它会从大脑中释放阿片类药物,大脑中的受体会暂时把它们踢出去,然后把自己放在那个区域。所以纳洛酮与这些受体结合,这样病人就可以开始正常呼吸,我们给的纳洛酮是鼻腔喷雾剂,所以很容易施用。你不需要用针头或注射器做任何事情。 It's just a quick nasal spray that you would give to somebody. And if they are not using substances and it won't do anything, the side effects are that would be like a bloody nose or a local reaction, something like that. So it's not going to be a bad thing that you would just give it and see what happens if you, somebody is having problems breathing, everybody that is prescribed an opioid should have Narcan because it's not just people that are using substances not how they're prescribed that could use it, it's people, especially the elderly who would take a pain pill, take a nap, wake up, and be in pain and and take another one too closely together. And then that could be too much. They could accidentally overdose. And so if they have that Narcan with them, it gives you some time before 911 would get there, you would get to a hospital, especially in our huge district. Alger County is the size of Connecticut, so it takes time for emergency services to be able to get places, especially in inclement weather, which happens pretty often. It's important for people to have that as part of a first aid kit. It's very easy to use. The instructions are very simple and include pictures, things like that. So as part of a first aid kit for a home or for people that travel quite often that may see things on the road at gas stations, things like that. It could save a life and it's something important to have. There's a standing order for it in Michigan, so anybody can grab some Narcan. We have it for free at the Narcan drive that we're doing August 31st, that coincides with overdose Awareness Day and all of the counties in the UP are participating in overdose awareness day, whether it's on August 31st or they choose an alternative and most of them are doing it on that day.



Vicki:对,没错。我们真的需要摆脱吸毒的污名。换成我们能帮什么忙?我们需要帮助伙计们。你知道,这很普遍,因为阿片类药物制造商被起诉,因为他们对每个人都施加了太大的压力。很多人因此丧命,他们都因此被起诉。他们应该是,但这对他们来说仍然是九牛一毛。他们从中赚了很多钱。莫妮卡:十个人有11.3张鸦片处方。所以这个地区有很多鸦片。 And that means a lot of opiates for kids to get their hands-on, things like that. I don't know if we want to get into how storing your medication safely is a good idea because there are so many prescriptions and this area especially so be careful with that. Vicki: Yeah, it sounds like we should all have them Narcan sprays on us. That's alarming.













Vicki: Monica,我只是想感谢你今天花时间和我们谈话。它真的很有见地。我真的很高兴上半岛有这个项目。


chen li:大家好。感谢大家参加本期《阿尔及尔县社区关怀》节目,为所有青年和成年人营造一个安全、健康和繁荣的环境。希望你能收看我们的下一集节目。有关AC3的更多信息,请访问我们的在线网站Alger。本播客的资金来自美国农业部补充营养援助计划(简称snap MSU),作为一个平权行动平等机会雇主,致力于通过多元化bob体育合法吗的员工队伍和包容性的文化实现卓越,鼓励所有人充分发挥潜力。BOB体育密歇根州立大学推广项目。这些材料对所有人开放,不分种族,肤色,国籍,性别,性别认同,宗教,年龄,身高,体重,残疾,政治信仰,性取向,婚姻状况,家庭状况,或退伍军人身份,这些都是为了促进密歇根州立大学推广工作法案于1914年5月8日和6月30日与美国农业部合作发布的。bob体育合法吗此信息仅供教育用途。提及商业产品或商品名称并不意味着MSU Extension的认可或对未提及的产品有偏见。
