
作者:Vicki Ballas社区营养辅导员

与Janel Crooks认证瑜伽和冥想教练的访谈包括6分钟的冥想练习



欢迎来到阿尔杰县关爱社区播客系列节目。我是维姬·巴拉斯,密歇根州立大学推广阿尔杰和马凯特县社区营养讲师。BOB体育MSU扩展与阿尔杰县社区(简称AC3)合作,提供来自我们社区的信息和真实的对话。AC3是一个社区成员的联盟,通过提供项目和资源,为阿尔杰县的所有青年和成年人提供一个安全、健康和繁荣的环境,共同努力保持阿尔杰县的团结和繁荣。欢迎来到阿尔杰县关怀社区。第六集播客。今天我们请来了Janel Crooks,她是一位认证的瑜伽和冥想教练。她还指导Munising Bay正念冥想圈,这是一个非正式的团体,每周聚集在一起冥想。欢迎Janel。


chen li:很高兴见到你。Janel,什么是正念正念和冥想是一样的吗?

珍:薇姬,这些都是好问题。关于正念,有很多描述它的方法。但我非常喜欢Jon Kabat-Zinn博士使用的定义之一,他是一个僧侣。他实际上是在亚洲行医,然后回到美国。作为一名执业医生,认识到正念可以为他的病人带来一些好处。他将正念定义为以特定方式集中注意力而产生的意识。这种特殊方式有四个部分,有意识地,在当下,不加判断地。第四点是,所有这些都是为了自我理解和智慧。这是一个很大的包装,一口也很长。但归根结底是以一种特别的方式来关注,这种方式是真正富有同情心的,自我同情的,以及对他人的同情。




吉娜:另一个非常好的问题,正念是集中注意力。作为人类,我们倾向于迷失在我们的思想中,大部分时间都在分心,而不是在此时此刻。例如,想想你花了多少时间思考。你花多少时间听。也许这是一盘在大脑中反复播放的磁带,讲述着过去的故事。也许是关于自我或他人的判断。也许是对未来的担忧。你知道,我们每个人都会有一点不同的倾向。大脑被所有这些想法分散注意力是非常非常常见的。所以正念,这种集中注意力的方式,邀请我们进入当下,进入正在发生的事情。 Not to think about it, but just to observe, just to be a witness to what's happening in this moment. Letting go of the stories that proliferate in the mind and just coming back into the body where the present moment is always alive, right? You think about breathing, the present moment is always in the breath. It's always here and now. So meditation. If you're practicing mindfulness meditation, it's a deliberate training, then we can be mindful in our daily lives. We might pause for a moment and notice, oh yes, I'm sitting here in this chair right now talking with Vicki. And then I'm going to move through the conversation hopefully mindfully. But I'm interacting, I'm in daily life. Meditation, on the other hand, is more about deliberate training of the attention. Often includes stillness in the body. So maybe you're sitting or standing, or possibly even lying down, although it tends to be harder because we tend to want to fall asleep. But meditation then that deliberate sitting down or settling down anyway, coming into awareness of the body. And then practice. And you'll often hear the word practice, my meditation practice, right? When you talk to someone who does meditate. And that's because it is about practice. There is, I like to think there's not a, not a way of failing as a meditator. Because as long as you're practicing, you are succeeding. And that practice is anytime I notice as I sit down on my cushion and I decide I'm going to meditate for 20 minutes or whatever. I set my alarm, you know, maybe it's two seconds later or maybe it's two minutes later. I notice, Oh my gosh, my mind has wandered. I'm going to bring it back here. I'm going to settle it on my breath and I would watch myself breathing in and breathing out and resting and that's still place. So that practice, that very deliberate training, coming back again and again and again. That's where we find ourselves in meditation practice. So how's that for a start?

chen li:好极了。是的。这就是冥想的修行。这都是练习。


chen li:就是这个意思。

吉娜:没错!是的。也许我可以花点时间谈谈冥想和正念作为一种练习的起源。据我们所知,冥想练习的发展,最早的记录,几千年前在亚洲,有很多,大部分是精神探索者,他们在寻找一种减少人类痛苦的方法。他们注意到这种思维的扩散通常会加剧人类的痛苦。所以有些痛苦是我们无法避免的,对吧?有人不小心绊倒了我,我摔倒了。这里有一种痛苦可能是我绊了一跤,擦伤了膝盖之类的,可以把它想象成第一支箭,对吧?这很伤我的心。但这是第二,第三,第四支箭,我们经常给自己。 And that's what they noticed. That's like saying now maybe, maybe the first arrow happens and then the second arrow is, I get all upset and I am mad at myself for me so clumsy and I should have seen that person's foot tonight. Just and I really feel bad about myself or maybe I just get really bad at the other person. Am I blame them for doing it? And, and I get all angry and I make a fool of myself yelling at this person. So I'm just, there are so many ways and examples where we inflict these multiple extra sufferings upon ourselves. And so that awareness that this is what happens in human beings was an impetus for this training. Because it helps us to notice. The more we practice it, right, the more we start every time we notice ourselves wandering into one of these unhelpful trains of thought. We can notice if we're mindful, the more we practice being mindful that better we'll be at it, right? And we can notice ourselves and catch ourselves and not inflict that second or third arrow. And that was the idea behind the origins of this practice. And then it came really. You may have noticed too. I mean, I would say about 10 years ago, it began to be more in the news. In Western countries. Researchers began to do more and more scientific research on meditators and what was happening in their minds and how it called their minds and their bodies. We began to hear about it more and now you can find thousands of books on Amazon or at your book store in town. To learn more about mindfulness,




吉娜:对,对,对。bob体育登录这项研究已经进行了很多年了。这真的很吸引人,他们.....你知道你已经指出了一个很好的好处,想想在一个开放的注意力状态下休息的好处是什么,你正念,观察你的想法和感受,不被它们包裹,不评判它们,不评判自己,不评判别人。(深呼吸)只要能让我放松的声音就行了。研究人员注意到的其他好处包括更专注于当前时刻的能力。bob体育登录能够真实地面对你正在经历的一切。身边的人,你知道,要真正为你爱的人在那里,如果你有脾气或类似的事情,少一些反应性的思考。当我们学会意识到机会越多,我们就必须做出不同的选择,对吧?它有助于人们少做评判,对自己和他人更有同情心。 And just to feel less maybe driven by some of the forces of society, I'm thinking about non-attachment to material things. Just because you have that capacity to pause before you actually actively chose Rather than just say, Oh yeah, the new shiny object, that's what I need. Put it in your shopping basket without really thinking. And so in general, this biggest benefit being the opportunity for more peace and stability. I love that word equanimity . It's just more ability to feel grounded and not tossed around. So there are a lot of potential benefits. One of the things that makes me think about though, is also that it's really important to be aware that if you are someone who's interested in meditation and you think that mindfulness and meditation practice might offer some benefits that you're looking for. Do pause and think about whether you might also need because meditation is not, it's not counseling, right? It's not going to be an analysis of your problems or challenges that you're facing. And so it can be really, really helpful to think about. Would it also be helpful for me to talk to a counselor who could help me and then you also have that practice alongside of it so that the two things are moving forward at the same time. The other thing to think about maybe is to say you know, if you feel like you have a trauma background. It's possible that the practice of meditation will bring you in touch with that trauma again. And so that's another reason it's a sign where you you know, if you notice, ooh sitting with my breath. It started to make me really remember something that happened in the past. It's another sign That's really a good idea to have a councilor also that you're working with. I just like to put that out there because they think it's important. It's easy to think of. To be tempted to think of meditation us being perfect for everyone. And it's okay if I'm at a moment, it's, it's not perfect for you and you need something else. In addition or instead,



chen li:我真的认为,就我自己在冥想和正念方面的经验来看,这可能是处理生活创伤的一个很好的工具。



贾内尔:当然会有积极的影响。你提到了一种寻找的感觉。这是人类寻找平静的自然愿望。我之前没有提到,但我确实认为,有时人们可能会认为,嗯,可能会对冥想犹豫不决,认为你必须有某种宗教信仰。或者它自动与宗教有关,也许不是你的宗教之类的。我要说的是,它有很多种形式。我确实说过,但对你来说,你可以发现基于世俗正念的减压是一个世俗正念练习的例子。你可以找到像我们这样的练习小组,它是一个正念小组。我们确实参考了很多来自亚洲的古老教义。但是,你不必是一个特定的宗教参与。 It's good wisdom that really blends well with either a secular or other religious ideas. And then on the other end of the spectrum, there are some types of meditation that are very much interwoven with, with a, with a religion. Can just put that out there too. That there are options and you can find one that's comfortable for you, just like you can find a teacher that resonate with your ideas about life.

chen li:还有很多其他的冥想导师。




chen li:你知道吗?


chen li:你喜欢什么?所以现在是个好时机。我们尝一点好吗?


chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。他们很欢迎。或者他们可以只是倾听和吸收,或者做任何他们觉得舒服的事情。

贾内尔:嗯,谢谢。薇姬,之前提到过正念是一种将我们带入当下的练习。我认为这是一种具体的实践。如果你把你的身体想象成一个房子,对吧?也许这是你的家。它是,它是我们生活中移动的家。我们经常被困在一个房间里——大脑。我们认为我们的思想就藏在那间屋子里。我们在那个房间里待了很长时间。这是一种让我们和身体的其他部分结合在一起的练习。 So with that metaphor, you kind of set us up here and invite you to take a couple deep breaths, just breathing in nice and deep through the nose, maybe. Breathing out through the mouth. (loud sigh) Maybe even letting out a little sigh. Science has found that sighing helps to reset the mind. A little more relaxation into the body. Couple sighs. Maybe softening your gaze downward. If you're, or if you're comfortable closing your eyes, you might close your eyes. Let the breath settle back into its natural rhythm. And notice your body sitting or standing or lying down wherever you are. As you're aware of your body, might notice the weight resting in your seat. You might notice your spine extending up from your seat. And you might notice your head resting on top of the spine. Starting to scan down from the top of the head. Notice that crown of your head to see if you can imagine relaxing your scalp. Bringing your awareness down into your eyes, softening around the eyes, relaxing the forehead, relaxing the cheeks. Notice if your jaw is clenched, that's pretty common. Soften the jaw just gently parting the teeth a little bit, softening the lips and the tongue. Relax your neck. Often people hold tension in their neck and shoulders. Maybe take a couple breaths and imagine the breath can sweep in, gather up the tightness and the stress. gently release it the exhale. And envisioning the breath as a tool for letting go a little bit of tension. Relaxing the arms and the hands. Notice if your hands could be softened, relaxed un-clenched. Might pause for a moment and notice the hands resting. In bringing awareness to the chest. See if you can soften the front of the chest, relaxing chest muscles. And the back of the chest relaxing those muscles in between the shoulder blades along the spine. let your awareness, glide down the spine to lower back. You can soften the muscles there. A couple breaths and then bring your awareness to the belly. notice if you can soften their, maybe, you'll notice the movement of the belly with the breath. gentle And soft. you might bring your awareness to the weight resting in the seat. Softening, relaxing the thighs. The knees. letting the upper legs be relaxed. letting go of any tension. Any holding that isn't necessary to keep you sitting tall, can let go off and then glide where it is down to the calves. Relax any muscles there and that might be unnecessarily flexing. Feel that softness in the calves, the shins, even the ankles. Nice and relaxing at that joint. And then bringing awareness into the feet. Soften the arches, imagine relaxing the heels and the toes. Big toe. The second toe. Bringing awareness to the third toe. The fourth, finally to the pinkie. Breathing in, breathing out, noticing, resting awareness into feet for just a moment. And then gently, slowly gliding awareness back up through the calves. Through the thighs, through the hips, up through the belly. Resting awareness there for just a few breaths. Noticing the movement of breath without doing anything to control it and letting that breath, breath you. Rather than. Doing something. Let the breath be. You might see if you can notice. Inhale, exhale. And then often there's a little space between. you just rest, notice the stillness in your belly. Another option or awareness of the sensation of breathing is to notice the breath as it moves through your nostrils. You might feel the cool air coming in. The warm air flow out. And then again some stillness. Just a couple breaths there. And then taking a couple slow deep breaths in through the nose, out through the mouth. (exhales) Couple more like that. (exhales again) aware again of your whole body sitting or standing or lying. Bring a little bit of movement. maybe to your toes or to your fingers. And then when you're ready, lifting the gaze, opening the eyes, if they were closed, coming back into the room. That's the experience of Bringing our awareness into our bodies with the present moment is always alive. Shifting from hanging out in one rooms to embodying the whole body.



chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。我认为人们有一些恐惧,他们不想进入其中。我知道这完全取决于你。这是你的实践。








chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。现在,如果你想尝试一下。现在是时候了,因为很容易尝试。




chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。这是真正的时刻,流行病和所有的分裂。


chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。我们也很感激我们所有人,尽管我们是在Zoom上见面的。是的,这是和人们一起练习的时间,这是强大而有意义的,真的很享受和一群人一起冥想的这一方面。


chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。chen li:大家好,我是杨莉。这真是太好了。


chen li:好吧。谢谢你,吉娜。谢谢你抽出时间。


