
2018年11月7日-作者:安德里亚·j·里德安德鲁·k·卡尔森Irena f .信条Erika j . Eliason彼得•a . Gell Pieter t·j·约翰逊,卡伦·基德,泰森j .修正朱利安·d·古时的史蒂夫·j·奥梅罗德John p . Smol,威廉·w·泰勒,Klement Tockner,杰西·c . Vermaire大卫无用




12年以来愤怒et al .(2006)回顾了主要的淡水生态系统的压力,全球的生物多样性危机湖泊、水库、河流、溪流和湿地不断深化。在湖泊、水库和河流只覆盖地球表面的2.3%,这些生态系统主机至少9.5%的地球的描述动物物种。此外,使用世界自然基金会的生活星球指数,淡水人口下降(81%在1970年到2012年之间)继续超过同期下降海洋陆地(38%)(36%)或系统。人类世带来了多种新的和不同的威胁,不成比例地影响淡水系统。我们文件12新兴威胁淡水生物多样性或全新的自2006年以来已经加剧:(i)改变气候;(2)电子商务和入侵;(3)传染性疾病;(四)有害藻华;(v)扩大水电;(vi)新兴污染物; (vii) engineered nanomaterials; (viii) microplastic pollution; (ix) light and noise; (x) freshwater salinization; (xi) declining calcium; and (xii) cumulative stressors. Effects are evidenced for amphibians, fishes, invertebrates, microbes, plants, turtles and waterbirds, with potential for ecosystem-level changes through bottom-up and top-down processes. In our highly uncertain future, the net effects of these threats raise serious concerns for freshwater ecosystems. However, we also highlight opportunities for conservation gains as a result of novel management tools (e.g. environmental flows, environmental DNA) and specific conservation-oriented actions (e.g. dam removal, habitat protection policies, managed relocation of species) that have been met with varying levels of success. Moving forward, we advocate hybrid approaches that manage fresh waters as crucial ecosystems for human life support as well as essential hotspots of biodiversity and ecological function. Efforts to reverse global trends in freshwater degradation now depend on bridging an immense gap between the aspirations of conservation biologists and the accelerating rate of species endangerment.

DOI:10.1111 / brv.12480


