Food Security in Africa: A Cross-Scale, Empirical Investigation Using Structural Equation Modeling

September 20, 2017 - Author: Riva, C., Marquart-Pyatt, S., Ligmann-Zielinska, A., Schmitt Olabisi, L.K., Rivers, L., Du, J., & Liverpool-Tasie

Food Security in Africa: A Cross-scale, Empirical Investigation using Structural Equation Modeling.Environment Systems and Decisions. Riva, C., Marquart-Pyatt, S., Ligmann-Zielinska, A., Schmitt Olabisi, L.K., Rivers, L., Du, J., & Liverpool-Tasie, L.S.O. (2017).

Despite consistent gains in global agricultural productivity in the last 50 years, lack of food security persists in many regions of the world. Addressing this issue is especially pertinent in Africa where 39 of the nearly five dozen nations most at risk of food insecurity are located. We draw from interdisciplinary research to develop an empirical model that outlines the four interconnected aspects of food security—availability, access, utilization and stability. Given the complexity of this issue, we develop a model that considers agricultural, socio-political, and economic factors as drivers of food security and its manifestations, related in a complex system of relations that includes both direct and indirect paths. We use structural equation modeling with latent variables to specify a model that seeks to determine the primary drivers of food security over 55 years in Africa, West Africa as a region, and for a group of 5 West African countries: Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. Empirical results reveal the critical importance of availability and accessibility for mitigating food insecurity.


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